Why did Yankees invent a new coaching position for recently-retired infielder?

New York Yankees v Toronto Blue Jays
New York Yankees v Toronto Blue Jays / Douglas P. DeFelice/GettyImages

Derek Dietrich, seen above ripping a telephone pole out of the ground and intimidating Everson Pereira into cutting down his chase rate, is officially back with the Yankees in a coaching capacity.

Eagle-eyed fans' pupils didn't deceive them a few weeks back when they caught a jacked mammoth who kinda looked like Dietrich lurking around the cage with Anthony Volpe. As it turns out, Volpe and Dietrich have a long-established bond that dates back to Double-A Somerset, but this wasn't a bit of informal mentorship. It was, instead, funded by the Yankees, who wanted Dietrich back in the fold, despite a suspension for a stimulant and his inability to crack the team's big-league roster during his comeback bid.

Dietrich's official role is something that will be unfamiliar to most fans: "culture and accountability coordinator." We know what you're thinking. Isn't that already Nick Swisher's job?

While the two ex-players share similar energy, it'll be Dietrich's role in the player development department to deal with positional versatility, as well as harness relentlessness.

Yankees coach Derek Dietrich is advising on vibes in the player development department

As Max Goodman described for NJ Advanced Media:

"The plan is for Dietrich to work in the cage with hitters, facilitate growth on defense with his positional versatility from his playing days and utilize a passion for weight training and sports performance to help players put their body in a better place to succeed physically."

As silly as this all sounds, getting more ex-players (and voices of any kind) who the team's current young players trust could be crucial to establishing the missing player development link that's plagued this franchise for far too long. Add in Andy Pettitte's formal return and the formal promotion of a long-time analytics guru trusted by Aaron Judge to help clarify things in the clubhouse, and the Yankees seem closer to harnessing the championship buy-in they've long lacked from all corners.

Imagine, if you will, 2024 Derek Dietrich actually getting a ring with the Yankees after helping ease the transition between Triple-A and the bigs. Then, imagine him gulping that ring whole and polishing it off with a green juice. You know what? Backtrack. Only imagine that first thing.
