Did Scott Boras, Hal Steinbrenner just agree to open Juan Soto Yankees extension talks?

Are we moving here?
New York Yankees v Tampa Bay Rays
New York Yankees v Tampa Bay Rays / Douglas P. DeFelice/GettyImages

When the Yankees traded for The Generational Juan Soto this offseason, they always intended to keep him around long-term, despite being overly careful in public. All the while, though, their actions spoke louder than any words that cautioned fans to enjoy 2024 and think about the rest later; you don't surrender a pile of arms for a player like Soto if you don't want him forever.

As long as he ended up being a perfect fit in New York, that is. Thus far, through mid-May, Soto has been good enough (and has embraced the culture effectively enough) to have Hal Steinbrenner feeling a little more carefree.

The man who may or may not have closed the Aaron Judge talks from Italy hopped on Jack Curry's podcast this week and, according to Curry, stated more plainly that he intends to keep Soto in New York for the rest of his career. If in-season extension talks would help that process get started (if not finished), he'd be amenable to the conversation.

Hal Steinbrenner wants to talk Yankees extension with Juan Soto -- now

It takes two to tango (well, three if you count Brian Cashman, but something tells us he'd be on board at the drop of a hat), and luckily, Curry got the second half of this particular scoop, too.

After dropping the initial nugget on Thursday's Yankees-Twins broadcast, Curry noted that he reached out to Boras, too, who claimed he's "always happy to talk with Hal".

That's certainly not a no. Also important to note that one way for the Yankees to pretty plainly commit to "focusing on winning" is by signing Juan Soto, at all costs. Looks like the two parties' goals go hand-in-hand, huh?

The vibes in the Bronx have been nothing short of immaculate for weeks, and with Soto's Captain Aaron Judge locked in an historic heater these days, there's a chance 2024 could turn into a very special summer for Yankee fans.

That goes double if Boras, a longtime Yankees ally, and Steinbrenner are breaking the mold and discussing the super agent's biggest client (on the heels of, let's be frank, a particularly tough winter for BorasCorp). Maybe the Carlos Rodón resurgence has warmed Hal's cold, dead heart.

Even if the two chatterboxes don't hammer something out before September ends, there's a good chance they lay the groundwork for an early offseason proclamation. Hopefully, it comes after a ticker-tape parade, and launches the deletion of a thousand Mets Twitter accounts.
