Staten Island Yankees Host Blue Lives Matter, Eric Garner’s Daughter Responds

Minor league teams holding wacky themed nights are nothing new. We’ve seen teams host Bruce Springsteen nights, Christmas in July nights and even saw one team try to host a Caucasian Heritage Night — thankfully, that one was cancelled.

But on Sunday night, the Staten Island Yankees may have wanted a do-over. The SI Yankees held a Blue Lives Matter day, on the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown.

The organization has called the timing of the Blue Lives Matter promotion an “unfortunate coincidence” but the damage has already been done. To make matters worse, the SI Yankees play in the same borough that Eric Garner was killed.

On Twitter, Garner’s daughter Erica voiced her frustrations. “This is disgusting!!!” Erica said on Twitter. “My father was killed not far from this event.”

According to Staten Island Yankees president Jane Rogers, “There was never any intent to cause controversy or ill-will feelings toward anyone in the community or outside the community.”

“It was a very unfortunate coincidence. [Blue Lives Matter] wanted the matchup against Brooklyn because the attendance is usually better. This just happened to be the only Sunday [the SI Yankees host the Cyclones] in August.” said senior director of marketing Michael Holley.

Holley also said the team would be willing to host a Black Lives Matter day if approached.

“We’re definitely open to any type of fundraiser to support people in the community,” he said.

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