New York Yankees Editorial: How Long To Give Drew And Ryan?

One of the lingering issues with the New York Yankees for the upcoming season is going to be second base and the bench. The Yankees have Brendan Ryan on the bench as the utility infielder and Stephen Drew starting at second base. They were given $7 million this season. Meanwhile, the Yankees would be better off giving two rookies those spots.

If you have eyeballs and have been watching all spring, (yes Ryan has missed basically  all of it) Jose Pirela and Rob Refsnyder have been better. Ref is hitting close to .350 this spring. Is he ready with the glove? Maybe not. But the stick is there and it’s better than Drew, who is hitting in the .160’s. 

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Why did Joe Girardi name Drew the starter so early? Because he knew Refsnyder was going to outperform him and didn’t want to answer the question every day of who’s going to win the job when Ref is hitting the ball everywhere and Drew’s bat is causing a bigger breeze than a hurricane.

Ryan hurt himself again this spring and only got back late last week. He hasn’t been good with the bat in years, though he can still field. On a team that is so old in so many places, wouldn’t you rather have a guy who can play everywhere like Pirela instead of Ryan? A guy who can bring some speed and some youth and a guy who can be like Martin Prado in terms of his versatility (maybe his bat too down the line).

We’ve all been clamoring for some young players on this team for years. Pirela came up last year once Prado got hurt and looked good and continued to this spring (minus the whole crashing into the wall thing).  He’s hit at every level and can be a real asset to the team this season.

To me, you give Drew and Ryan one month to perform. If Pirela and Refsnyder are hitting in AAA and Drew and Ryan don’t, it’ll be time to give them their walking papers.  The Yankees may have too much dead weight offensively and they don’t need Ryan and Drew dragging down their ship further.

If they hit, keep them around, but one prolonged slump and it’s time to.

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