Joba Chamberlain tossed 1 1/3 scoreless..."/> Joba Chamberlain tossed 1 1/3 scoreless..."/>

Joba’s Rehab Assignment: The Pictures


In case you missed it, Joba Chamberlain tossed 1 1/3 scoreless innings during a rehab appearance with the Trenton Thunder on Sunday. He gave up a single and was victimized by an error, but he also hit 98 and struck out three. Apparently, he will make one more appearance with the Thunder before rejoining the Yanks.

I was lucky enough to go, and I managed to take a picture or two.

You could tell Joba was pissed that he had to sign so many autographs, but to his credit he signed for every single person who asked. He even held a baby as the kid’s parent snapped a photo, which was kind of a weird scene to see.

Me: Joba, can you sign this for me please?

Joba: **sighing and rolling eyes** Sure, no problem.

Me: Thanks man, get back to the Bronx soon!

Joba: **clearly pissed off** Thanks.

Joba in the dugout early in the game

Joba comes in!

Joba finishes the seventh and leaves to rousing applause

Fist bumps galore

Random pics

There wasn’t much of a crowd there to see Joba. In comparison, the place was sold out when Pettitte rehabbed there in 2010. I guess it’s because Joba obviously wasn’t going to pitch as much as Pettitte, but still.

One of the better shirseys I’ve ever seen.

Arguably the coolest part of going to a Thunder game — they have a bat dog!

Radar Gun Guy

Strike taking part in fun with fans between innings.

Boomer taking part in fun with fans between innings.

More random stuff

Melky Mesa

Weird pic of Senators first baseman Tim Pahuta with Fake Melky on first

Fake Melky after he stole second

Not sure if minor league players choose their own walk-up music, but if they do J.R. Murphy has some ‘splaining to do. He comes out to ‘Your Love’ by The Outfield.


Strike chilling in the stands during the seventh inning.

Mike Ashmore has some video of Joba, if that’s your bag.