tell Andy Pettitte to not "Brett F..."/> tell Andy Pettitte to not "Brett F..."/>

Cashman bringing the LOLs


Cashman’s hilarity went three-fold yesterday. Not only did he tell Andy Pettitte to not “Brett Favre us” and distance himself from the Rafael Soriano signing (shades of when Joe Torre put in writing that he didn’t want Giambi), but he also, apparently, pondered bringing back Carl Pavano for another tour of duty in the Bronx.

The first two I can’t fault him for.

I feel the same way about Andy Pettitte. Although what he’s doing is far less severe than what Favre did (plus he didn’t send texts of his garbage), it’s getting annoying. Make a friggin’ decision already. You were one of my favorites growing up Andy, don’t be one of those guys that think the rules don’t apply to them and come in late in the season (see: Pedro or Clemens). That’s grimy.

Also, if I were Cash, I would say the exact same thing regarding the Soriano signing. He came out and said the team wouldn’t relinquish a first-round pick by signing a free agent and the team went ahead and did just that. It comes off as the front office just cut off his balls in front of everyone by disregarding his “patience plan” and signing this guy. Understandably, Cashman feels disrespected by the move and I can’t say I blame him for saying what he said.

Plus, however unlikely it may be, the 31st pick they’re surrendering could become the next Greg Maddux.

The last thing, though, is inexcusable. Why would you even think about bringing Carl Pavano back to the Yankees? I understand that his numbers with the Twins last year were great and the Yanks are in dire need of a starting pitcher, but this guy made 26 starts over the course of four years at a cost of $39.9 million dollars. If Cash thought Javy’s second stint in pinstripes was bad, Crazy Carl’s would have been MUCH worse.


"I had several conversations. Again, I’ve looked at everything that’s out there. I’ve always felt Pav could pitch here. I think he’s shown he can pitch in difficult circumstances. Bottom line, when he’s healthy, he can pitch. Did I have conversations with (his agent) Tom O’Connell about Pav? I did. I don’t think he was afraid of coming back here either."

It was reported that Cashman offered about $10.5 million for a one-year deal and “Pav” wound up taking less money annually with the Twins — $16.5 over two years — which makes me feel a little better. Supposedly, the multi-year offer was the deal breaker. Obviously the Yanks didn’t want another repeat of 2005-2008 and refused to go more than a year.

As much as I would detest seeing Dickbag in pinstripes again I must say this, if his name wasn’t Carl Pavano I would want the Yanks to get him. Or, if they could get him on a schisty, incentive-based contract I wouldn’t care…but you know this gibroni would never go for that.