Friday's debacle the better. Here is some news to make you feel better:..."/> Friday's debacle the better. Here is some news to make you feel better:..."/>

Pettitte feels good after throwing; Burnett possibly out of rotation


The less said about Friday’s debacle the better. Here is some news to make you feel better:

1) Pettitte felt fine after throwing 25 pitches on Friday, but he wasn’t throwing at maximum effort. Regardless, it’s a good sign for the Yankees. His next session will come on either Sunday or Monday. The Yanks are going to need him healthy with the way AJ has been shitting the bed lately. Get well soon, Andy!!!!!

2) The Red Cox beat the Rays, so the Yanks are still in first place…albeit in a tie.

3) The Yanks have CC pitching on Saturday. He will be going against John Danks in the second tilt of this three-game series.

Fun facts:

  • AJ’s splits by month: April (3-0, 2.43); May (3-2, 4.03); June (0-5, 11.35); July (3-1, 2.00); August (0-4, 7.80). Lest we forget, AJ didn’t win a game all of last August either and that season played out honky dory.
  • Prior to Friday, Freddy Garcia hadn’t beat the Yankees since May of 2002.
  • Girardi said after Friday’s game that “We’ll evaluate after this weekend where we are and what we need to do. Take it the way you want to take it. We’ll do what we have to do.” Meaning that Javy, who now has a lower ERA than AJ, might take Burnett’s spot in the rotation, which falls on September 1 against the A’s. That just so happens to be a game I’m going to, which puts my undefeated 2010 streak (5-0) on the line. Yikes.