to the Nationals in exchange for a player to be named later ..."/> to the Nationals in exchange for a player to be named later ..."/>

Yanks send Bruney to Nats


The Yankees sent Brian Bruney to the Nationals in exchange for a player to be named later today. In an effort to trim payroll, the move was necessary. But Bruney was solid when healthy and had heart but, as Joe Morgan would say, he just wasn’t consistent.

I’ll never forget BB for calling out and standing up to K-Rod before the Luis Castillo game. Which brings an interesting point, now that Bruney has gone the route of Nick Johnson, Wil Nieves and Tyler Clippard, and is playing on the Nats, he will have to face K-Rod more. That should be interesting.


On another note, I hope the Yanks bring back Andy (can I) Pettitte. He’s been solid for so many years, especially last year in the playoffs, and he definitely deserves to be back in pinstripes. Let’s hope Cashman and Co. play their cards right and get Andy back in the Bronx for at least one more year. 

Rumors are swirling that the team is looking to make a one-year offer worth more than the $10.5 million he made in ’09. According to River Ave. Blues the team “does not intend to low-ball him.” That’s nice.

Another question mark for the Yanks this offseason is what they will do with the outfield. As I’ve said before, I think they should let Damon go, keep Matsui as a DH and look elsewhere for a left fielder. If worst comes to worst, Gardner could take over in center and Melky could be used in left or as trade bait.

The DH is another spot to think about if the Yanks don’t sign Godzilla. Some have offered a worst case scenario, but let’s hope it never comes to that in a million years.