Marlins manager saved from ridiculous Aaron Boone-style ejection as umps relent

How about that?

Miami Marlins v Detroit Tigers
Miami Marlins v Detroit Tigers / Duane Burleson/GettyImages

Back in April, New York Yankees manager Aaron Boone was ejected during a bizarre Monday afternoon game against the Oakland Athletics in the Bronx. It seems as if the random 1 p.m. start time had everyone off balance.

Because Boone was erroneously sent to the showers. Home plate umpire Hunter Wendelstedt mistook a fan yelling in the front row for Boone and ejected the Yankees' manager despite pleas from the rest of the coaching staff. Wendelstedt didn't care, then in classic fashion put the Yankees on blast after the game.

On Tuesday night, baseball fans were nearly given the sequel to Boone's fan ejection when Miami Marlins manager Skip Schumaker was briefly tossed from the game for what the team's bench coach said to home plate umpire Ben May.

Schumaker, the Marlins coaching staff, and the umpiring crew convened and cleared things up before May reversed the ruling. Schumaker returned to the dugout and order was restored.

Either May is an actual amenable guy, or he didn't want to deal with the ire of fans and negative media attention for being the second umpire to do this as the league-wide power trip continues.

Marlins manager saved from ridiculous Aaron Boone-style ejection as umps relent

Interesting. Because Wendelstedt's "excuse" for ejecting Boone was that he heard commentary from the end of the Yankees' dugout, and because "Aaron Boone is responsible for the New York Yankees," he was the one who should've been ejected.

The more subjectivity granted to the umpires, the more chaos, uncertainly, and discontent there will ultimately be. And these guys wonder why society is dying for their jobs to be overtaken by robots despite that future reality being vehemently opposed in every other sector of the work force.

Boone, who stayed quiet after Wendelstedt told him "enough," had maybe five seconds to get his dugout (and the fans?) in order before the knee-jerk decision was made.

The silver lining? Progress was made to avoid an unjust ejection that could've very well affected the outcome of this game -- the Marlins triumphed 1-0 in extras, so it helps to have your main guy available for that tight of a contest.

But the Yankees were made the "example" first, which just never sits well, no matter the following positive strides -- if you can even call them that.
