It’s the New York Yankees. Just admit you hate the New York Yankees and move on. New York Yankees fans will not be offended. In fact, that’s all they want you to say. “I don’t want to be bothered with anything relating to Aaron Judge because I hate the New York Yankees.” There, wasn’t that easy?
College football fans are first on the list. Over the last two weekends, ESPN interrupted a few CFB broadcasts for what could’ve potentially been historic at-bats for Judge, who was chasing home run No. 61 and is still chasing No. 62. The fans who tuned in to watch the football games that day were stuck also having to watch a few moments from Yankees contests as ESPN simulcasted it.
Terribly, terribly sorry some folks out there watching NC State/Clemson, Wake Forest/Florida State, TCU/Oklahoma, Texas Tech/Kansas State, Ole Miss/Kentucky (OK, understandable), and whatever else, had to listen to baseball audio while watching meaningless plays in the first and second quarter. Outrage. Isn’t this America?! This is NOT what our founding fathers died and fought for!
Yup, it sure is. This is America, where if someone’s preferred broadcast is “interrupted” by anything — even if that “thing” is to witness sports history — they are being tread upon. A travesty! Rights infringed upon! Let these football fans live. If they wanted to watch Yankees baseball, they’d have purchased MLB TV or simply tuned in if their cable package granted access!
Do these big wig execs not understand how television works? Or individual autonomy?! Where have our values as a society gone?
ESPN college football announcers can't keep the Aaron Judge snark in anymore.
— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) October 1, 2022
College football, Orioles fans whining about Yankees’ Aaron Judge is weak
It’s a split broadcast! For a maximum of two minutes? You’re really dying to hear the play-by-play and analysis from Sean McDonough, Todd Blackledge, Dave Pasch, Dusty Dvoracek, Bob Wischusen, Dan Orlovsky, Mark Jones, Robert Griffin III, Dave Flemming and Rod Gilmore? That’s where you draw the line?
If the Judge at bats took up the whole screen during college football cut ins I'd get the outrage but this is just complaining to complain cause it's the Yankees
— Eric Hubbs (@BarstoolHubbs) October 1, 2022
Again, it’s Yankees hatred and nothing else. This is a whole new version of “triggered” the polarized world has never seen before. Should be part of future sociological studies.
College Football fans after another live cut-in to Aaron Judge at the plate
— Mike Golic Jr (@mikegolicjr) September 25, 2022
Now, for Orioles fans, who have suddenly turned into a brash bunch after their rebuild took a turn for the better after five years of disgraceful baseball. On Friday, the O’s were (rightfully) called out for intentionally walking Judge in the bottom of the eighth with a runner in scoring position. Baltimore was up 2-1. Why is that a problem?!
Uh … because they had their best reliever in the game? And they have nothing to play for since they were on the verge of elimination? What’s the harm in challenging the best hitter in the game as you prepare for a hopeful 2023 campaign?
Btw, absolutely love that McDonald & Palmer are really giving it to the Yankees broadcasters and media for saying the Os should go easy on Judge.
— Orioles Statistics (@OriolesStatist1) October 2, 2022
Gotta have that fire throughout the org, including the booth.
Now there are Baltimore fans making stuff up! No Yankees broadcast said the O’s should go easy on Judge. But with nothing at stake for them, plus an up-and-coming roster that could benefit from ending the year while facing the most elevated competition possible, it’s puzzling why you’d walk the man six times in three games.
What will they say now? 🤦♂️ #AaronJudge punches out for the 3rd time today… last was a #SmokeShow courtesy of @BryanBaker24 @orioles up 3-1 in the 8th over the @Yankees #CarryOn
— Ben McDonald (@realbenmcdonald) October 2, 2022
Oh! Man! The O’s actually went at him a few times as well and struck him out six times, too? In your face, Yankees fans! In a game defined by failure against a batter who strikes out 28.8% of the time in his career, you’ve done it. You’ve struck out Aaron Judge, a man who has seen 33% of pitches in the strike zone ever since hitting his 60th home run. Even when he’s seeing strikes, Judge is more likely to strike out than hit a home run. So this is clearly about a certain party not wanting to be on a certain side of history … except for the fact that nobody remembers who surrendered the record-breaking home runs to Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Barry Bonds, all of which hold more weight than Judge’s potential triumph.
What will they say now? Thanks for playing baseball. Hopefully Judge settles this in Texas so there’s no lingering, fraudulent feelings of superiority after simply doing what’s supposed to be done in order to allow the game to progress.

Which of the rumored Aaron Judge contracts is best for Yankees?
What will Aaron Judge sign for? A few MLB executives gave some suggestions. Which would be best for the New York Yankees if he stays?