Yankees Tell Rival Red Sox: “Cheaters Never Win”

(Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)
(Photo by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images) /

The Yankees and Red Sox are at it again. The rivalry is heating up, again. Not only on the field, where the Yankees just won three out of four. Now, each has filed charges with MLB on sign stealing. Where will it end?

Some Yankees and Red Sox History:

Yankees and the Red Sox have a long history of stealing each other’s signs or just cheating. Every team has done it. All teams over the years have resorted to all kinds of trickery to get the advantage. Everything from putting up a zero in the scoreboard to stealing a sign at second base.

One of the more remarkable characters in Yankee history was Frank Crosetti, know for being a master of the “Hidden Ball Trick.” During a heated Red Sox game, Frank pulled the trick on none other than Joe Cronin! The ironic thing, Cronin was the person who taught the trick to Crossetti!

Ever hear about the famous Bobby Thomson’s home run, that gave the Giants the 1951 pennant. You know the shot heard around the world!  There is a book out there that specifically refers to the fact, Thomson was aware of what pitch was coming. In other words, the Giants literally stole the pennant, by stealing the sign.

Teams and players are very competitive. In the heat of battle, they will do anything to gain the advantage. Yes, everything from the legendary spit ball to spiking an opposing player. These things happened on the field of play. Baseball player policed these activities and by the help of the league.

Today’s Cheating:

Yankee fans and players are different today. We all have cell phones and tablets that can do remarkable things. These devices give us the ability to things never believed possible when the rules of this game were invented. We can see right into the batter box on our phones or tablets.

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This has caused an every growing issue within the game. How do we control technology on the field? Baseball reacted to this problem by banning cell phones and other electronic devices from the dugout and field of play.  Good idea!

Summary and Thoughts:

Now here comes Boston and their new mentality of “If You’re Not Cheating, You’re Not Trying!” One understand taking advantage of an opportunity. But, a deliberate attempt is morally wrong.  Make no mistake; this was a planned activity. Executed to take advantage of another team or teams. A direct violation of the rules put in place by major league baseball. In fact instead of making “Boston Strong, It makes Boston Wrong.”

I guess from this mentality of doing whatever it takes to win, explains a lot! In the eyes of the Boston fan or any fan for that matter, its okay if it benefits their team. In reality, if this is the accepted practice: How about steroid or drug usage? How about a loaded bat? Foreign substance on baseballs? Is there a difference?

From all people, Pedey gets involved in this latest issue. That little guy who stood up to his fellow teammates during the recent bean-ball war between Boston and Baltimore. Yes,  Dustin Pedroia. Caught right in the middle of this scandal, on video. Seems to not bother him at all, in fact, his way of life. He proudly admits doing wrong deeds, to other teams, ever since he started playing the game of baseball. Tarnished his reputation, did it not? Maybe a Napoleon complex here?

Next: Yankees: Teams steal signs. Oh no, Joe, please say it ain’t so

Sure makes one wonder what else the “Muddy Chicken” (Pedey) or should we call him “Dirty Chicken” has done to win a game?

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