New York Yankees Editorial: Why Do They Think Stephen Drew Will Turn It Around?


There are small sample sizes you can’t overreact to. If a guy has a terrible week or two you can’t just think he’s done. If a guy goes off and hits five or six homers that you don’t expect you can’t expect it to last forever. But there are times when the sample size isn’t small and that the player is what he is.

With that I’m going to present this player’s numbers during his time as a member of the New York Yankees.

Games: 80

Average: .165

OBP:  .245

Slugging: .309

Those are the numbers that Stephen Drew has put up since the Yankees traded for him last year. Woof. 

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Joe Girardi still has confidence in him. Seriously.

"“I watch his at-bats, and I feel he is going to go off on a hot streak,’’ said Girardi, who didn’t play the ice-cold Drew in the Yankees’ 6-1 loss to the Rays Thursday night at Tropicana Field, where Jose Pirela played second and went 0-for-3 and whiffed twice. “He gets a few hits one day and it just hasn’t happened, which I am surprised, I am really surprised. He had a good spring, and he has had some big hits for us. It hasn’t carried over into his average this year, but I still think he is going to hit.”"

At what point do you say this guy just shouldn’t be starting? 81, which is half a season? 100?

Drew just can’t hit anymore. He’s better off as the backup utility infielder.

The Yankees have Jose Pirela on the roster, who is just coming off the DL. How about giving him a full time shot and see what you have?

Rob Refsnyder has gotten a hit in 17 of his last 18 games and the game he didn’t get a hit he walked twice. He’s also improved his defense. He’s only made on error since April 25.

The Yankees offense is struggling right now and needs a spark. The Yankees haven’t gotten much out of their infielders not named Mark Teixeira.

It’s time for a change and for Drew to become a bit player. Not a starter.

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