Editorial: Adam Wainwright Says He Grooved Pitches to Jeter?

ByBryce Pittman|

St. Louis Cardinals’ pitcher Adam Wainwright was selected to start yesterday’s All-Star Game. That meant that he would get the chance to face Derek Jeter in his final All-Star appearance, and Wainwright himself  had expressed joy and excitement with the idea of facing Jeter for the first time in his career on the big stage.  After a long pause where fans showered Jeter with praise and that classic “DE-REK JE-TER” chant we’ve all come accustomed to hearing over the years,  Jeter stepped into to the batter’s box , gets a fast ball down the middle and smacks it the other way for a double. This was a key moment in the game that left us all with that warm fuzzy feeling.

Jeter ended up finishing the game 2-for-2 with a run scored and a single in his second at bat. A truly impressive showing by the Captain in pinstripes, as he helped propel the American League to a 5-3 win. During  an interview, Wainwright said that he gave Jeter a few “pipe shots” because he deserved it.  Hold on buddy!  This is Derek Jeter we’re talking about.  I don’t think he needs to be given anything. I think this was one of the most disrespectful things  anyone could have said or  done to a guy who is possibly the best to ever play the shortstop position.  If you wanted to show respect, pitch to Jeter the same way you would any other player on the roster. I’m pretty sure Jeter could have held his own, I mean, it’s not like the guy has 3,400+ career hits or anything.

And then you want to back peddle on your comments saying it was some sort of joke? No, you just realized how big of a jerk you were for saying that.  If you did in fact “groove” the pitch, what good does it do to say that? Are you trying to make Jeter look bad?

Adam Wainwright you sir are my Jerk of the Week!
