Yankees News & Notes: Joba waiting for Youkilis’ call back

Everybody likes some good gossip every once in a while, right? Well try this on for size: Yankees reliever Joba Chamberlain is still waiting a call back from newly acquired Kevin Youkilis to bury the hatchet. The issue stems from a few errant pitches thrown Youkilis’ way while he was a member of the Red Sox.

I mean, look at that beautiful swing! (Image: Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports)

Anthony McCarron of the New York Daily News reports that Youkilis hasn’t returned Chamberlain’s voicemail since he was first signed back in December. While in New York to accept an award for his charity work, Joba spoke about the matter:

“I did everything I can do.  I can’t control what Kevin Youkilis does, I can only control what I do and, you know what, we’ll go on from there.”

He added that they’ll see each other soon at team activities and went on to say:

“No, not really. I’m bound to run into him at some point. Sooner rather than later. We’ll see what happens. We’re grown men.”

Who knows, maybe Youkilis still holds a grudge. Can’t blame him, I suppose. It’s difficult to forgive and forget an instance where a 98 mph fastball is thrown at your dome and behind your legs on separate occasions. But Youkilis did have this to say last month in a conference call when the Yankees first signed him:

“If it was that big a deal, I wouldn’t have been signing with the Yankees. But I don’t think it is that big of a deal. A lot of it is made out within the media and the fans.”

Maybe Youkilis just completely forgot about it all because he’s getting ready for the upcoming season by hanging out and retooling his swing with Yankees hitting coach, Kevin Long

Youkilis is no stranger to being plunked at the plate, as he led the league last year with 17 hit by pitches. He’s regularly in double-digits in the HBP category because of how he dives out over the plate. This has much to do about nothing, but it’s funny nonetheless.

If you had to choose to keep one of Joba or Youk, who would you choose to stay?

[Ed. note: Take THAT slow news day!]