Mattingly to succeed Torre as Dodgers manager

I’m sure you all assumed it would happen, but now it’s official: Don Mattingly will take over as Dodgers skipper when Torre steps down at the end of the year.

I’m glad for Hitman but I worry that he might not have a chance to succeed. With the whole McCourts divorce thing I fear LA might not field the most competitive team. If they just cut corners and throw a bush league team out there, it would really suck for Donnie.

This is no doubt going to be a rebuilding era for the Dodgers, and I hope it works out for Donald Arthur Mattingly. I wish him nothing but good luck. He’ll always be a Yankee in my eyes.

In other news: if you haven’t seen the Rejected Yankee Stadium Memories videos on Youtube, please do yourself a favor and check them out. They are hilarious. Here is a taste:

The Yanks got AJ (hopefully Good AJ) going tonight in the opener of a three-game set in Baltimore. He will be opposed by Kevin Milwood. The Rays, who lead the division by 1/2 game, are hosting the Angels.The pitching match up in that one will be Dan Haren vs. Wade Davis.