Granderson joins anti-obesity effort; CC in trouble

  • One of the newest Yankees, outfielder Curtis Granderson, has joined with MLB in an effort to curb obesity. CC Sabathia scoffed at his efforts and is none too pleased…Grandy appeared with first lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday morning at the White House to promote the “Wanna Play?” campaign, an effort to get youths around the country to exercise more.

  • Despite having contracts that expire at the end of the season, Jeet, Mo and Girardi will have to wait to sign new deals. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as the Yanks are notorious for not re-negotiating contracts until they’re up. However, Cashman had a great quote in the story, “If this was Kansas City, it would be different — but it’s not.” Hilarious.
  • Is it possible for a team to run out of jersey numbers? Probably, if said team is the New York Yankees.