Yanks take 3-1 lead

Behind CC’s lights-out performance and another A-Bomb, the Yanks moved to within one game of their first pennant since 2003 with a 10-1 shellacking of the Halos.

CC, going on short rest, shut the Angels down over eight innings, giving up five hits and a run while fanning five. Goddam he’s good. I knew what the Yanks were getting with him,  but he has exceeded all my expectations. The only serious mistake he made Tuesday was the high fastball to Morales. CC shut the Angels down, I hope AJ follows suit on Thursday. Gaudin also looked good with the perfect ninth; he’s a serious threat out of the ‘pen.

A-Rod tied an MLB record by driving in a run for the eighth straight playoff game, set by Gehrig and also tied by Ryan Howard last night. He also slugged his fifth HR of the playoffs and looks nothing like the goat he’s been made out to be.

The Yanks broke the game open with a three-run fourth and never looked back. Melky drove in  four runs and Damon went yard again with a huge shot in the eighth.

Tex, Swish and Matsui really didn’t do shit, but Tex was on-point (again) in the field. Swish hasn’t done anything all postseason and I kind of hope they sit him for Game 5, maybe give Gardner the start in center and move Melky to right. I was the biggest Swisher supporter all year, and even through the ALDS, but enough is enough. With Gardner they get a speedy threat on the basepath (even though he’s been picked off a couple of times) and perhaps a change is what the outfield needs. Swisher doesn’t look right out there, he’s not walking (or hitting) at all.

Girardi silenced his critics (with the Robertson thing in Game 3) and put the team on the brink of the Fall Classic. Game 5 is set for Thursday night in Anaheim, AJ vs. Lackey. If the offense stays hot like this, watchout. If AJ shits the bed, watchout. That game should be a good one.


On another note, am I the only one who thinks something needs to be done about the umpiring in these playoffs? There were some BS calls Tuesday (for both sides) and maybe MLB needs to start fucking around with instant replay a little more. The leaving early call on Swisher was absurd, though it was probably a makeup call for that play at second when he was clearly picked off (another botched call by the umps). Also, The Double Play That Wasn’t on Swisher’s dribbler back to the mound was perplexing. Posada and Cano were both tagged while not on a base (don’t get me wrong I’m glad it went NYY’s way), how is that not a double play?

It’s not just with the Yanks series, in the Phils series there’s been some blown calls and all throughout the playoffs it seems like the umps have money on the games. I’m not conspiracy theorizing here by any means, but something’s fishy. Something needs to be done; maybe it’s time baseball jumps into the 21st century and starts using instant replay more. Why not get the calls right? If you have the technology use it!!!!!